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  • Writer's pictureCoach Karen


Updated: Sep 24, 2017

As a cheerleader, you are representing not only yourself, but your team, school, or organization as well. You may not know it, but your status as a cheerleader brings with it the responsibility of being a good role model. From the moment you put on your uniform, you are letting people know that you are a leader. You have the ability to command a crowd and the confidence required to be the center of attention. This being said, it is natural for little girls and boys to look up to you. They are amazed at the things you can do, and aspire to be like you. It is your responsibility to exhibit behavior that inspires them and others to be better people. Try your best to be a good example to those around you, and let your qualities shine bright. Don't engage in activities that will reflect negatively on yourself or your team. Make sure that when you are representing your squad that your appearance is well kept and reflective of the positive attitude you wish to convey as a cheerleader. Most importantly, keep your energy level high, and respect both your coaches and parents at all times.

Of course, we all have days that we don't quite feel up to the task of cheerleader. It can be a lot of work to keep that positive energy flowing after three hour practices, endless fundraisers, or even when your team is sure to lose the game. But, your attitude is a sign of your character, and there will be times when you may even need to help lift the spirits of your teammates. Will you step up to the challenge and be a true cheerLEADER? Will you represent the attitude of leadership that demands hard work and determination? When you decided to wear that cheer suit, you accepted the responsibility that cheerleading demands and you must do your best to be an inspiration for all those around you.

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