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  • Writer's pictureCoach Karen

Back Walkovers

The back walkover is the starting point to many different tumbling skills. In order to perform a back walkover, you must first develop strength in your arms and legs. Start by laying flat on the floor with your knees bent and arms above your head also bent at a ninety degree angle. Make sure that your hands are in the right position, with the fingers facing inward toward the feet. Work on developing your leg and arm strength by holding yourself in a "bridge", with your head off the ground. If this is too difficult, you can start by holding your body in a table top position and then moving on to the bridge pose from there. When your are comfortable holding a bridge, begin focusing more on your technique. The upper part of your back should have a nice tight arch. Most athletes make the mistake of arching their back in the middle, this is an incorrect position. Your legs should be extended with your heels together. Knees are just slightly curved, not bent at a ninety degree angle. You can begin practicing your kick over once you are comfortable holding yourself off of the floor. Choose a leg to kick off of the floor. Extend your legs in a split position, pulling your hips over your head. If your legs are in the correct position, they should naturally pull themselves over. One mistake that is often made, is that the athlete leaves the legs bent, forcing the body to pull back to the floor. Remember the back walkover should have an obvious right or left split in the legs. Use mats or other devices, such as a trampoline to work on your kick over. Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right away. All you need is some more practice.

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